Monday, December 29, 2008

Just another day to post.

Sup it's Marc.

So yeah. No one has really been blogging lately. So to keep our blog from dying, I just thought that I would post something. Well today was king of boring because all I did was stay home and play dota/SF3:3s/MvC2. I've been really bored lately and these are the times that I wished I had my license : (. Yesterday some of the JBP crew came over my house and hung out. I thought we were going to record something at my house, but they just ended up recording stuff at Tanforan with Patrick's super kool HD camera while Preston, Alvin, and I waited so long for them to bring us food. So anyways I just recently changed my background on my computer and I wanted to show everyone what it looks like. I made this because I was bored one day and I wanted to fool around with paint. It wasn't that hard to do just because I just had to crop out the pictures and past them on a blank page. Well here it is.


I also broke my headset today and now I can't put it on my head without it breaking. Now I have to use two headsets just because I don't like to use speakers. Here's a picture of what I look like with my two headsets on.


That's all for now. I hope the other JBP people start blogging again too. Happy Blogging.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Super Cool Puzzle!!!

Sup it's Marc

So it's been a long time since anyone posted a blog, so I thought that I would post something up. Well for the past week I've been doing a puzzle and i finally finished today. I could have finished the puzzle faster but I didn't feel like doing it for like 2 days. So anyways heres a picture of the whole puzzle.


Some people might say "Cool it's just a puzzle," but this puzzle is a 1000 pieces and plus the whole puzzle is made up of tiny pictures from Disney scenes. Heres a closer look at the puzzle.


Yup that's what I did on my free time this week. I wish I had MvC2 for the PS2 so that I won't have to waste my time playing with puzzles. That's all I have to say. Happy Blogging.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pre-Thanksgiving festivities.

Angelo here.

I just finished my Anatomy midterm on friday, and I think I did pretty well on it. Usually, I'd be stressing out, but I'm pretty confident. I spent my Friday afternoon with my friends that came back from San Jose State. We spent our usual friday night at L&L, and we also found out a Quickly's near there, so we couldn't resist tapioca goodness. We also talked about casting, and we're going through a lot of difficulties right now, but I'm sure it'll work out.

My school has been alright, so far. It's school, so-so. I've been getting by with grades and such. It's such a relief that we have a break coming up so soon. Black Friday = camping + $$$ deals. holla. I feel so lazy right now though; I'm still in the 'apathy for school' mood. I got a 7 page paper due on Monday, but am I going to do it sunday night/monday morning? HELL YES.

random, i know. lol.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Sup it's Marc.

I've been hella bored lately because everyone is busy with their lives and I'm stuck at home by myself. So to past the time, I started to play Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on my computer. I'm currently on the shadow temple, which is pretty fast because I just started playing this game last week. Well anyways, when I was doing the water temple I found some amazing information about Sheik. SHE'S A MAN! In one of the dialogs between Adult Link and Princess Ruto of the Zoras, Princess Ruto refers to Sheik as a "young man" and here's the picture of that sentence to proof it.


Enough with the video games. Time to go hypebeast mode. So yesterday morning when I got dropped off for school, I happened to see something that made me smile. It was an adam bomb sticker on a parker lot sign. I looked at it and I just had to take a picture of it. So I busted out my phone and took a pic of it.


That's all I got for now. Happy Blogging.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

New song of the week/Bruce-Mahoney game

Hi guys, Angelo here.

For this week’s song, I chose “Swing Swing” by the All-American Rejects. Besides being such an awesome song, this is also a throwback song for a lot of the Juicebox Productions crew. We believe that this time period the All-American Rejects made this song in was their peak at their career, and arguably, the best they ever were. This song says a lot to me (that’s also why I chose it, har har). This is another sad song that I chose. (I swear, this is the last sad one…in a while!). One of the reasons I like this song a lot is that it starts out slow and goes into this streak of awesomeness. Plus the solo just sounds awesome and placed ever-so-perfectly for me. This song to me is about goodbyes and break ups, and how one guy copes with it. But I really think this song can be related to both guys and girls. I also think any person can identify with feeling pretty shitty, no matter the reason. This line pretty much sums up how I would feel on an off day. “Emotions are stirred. The sun is gone, and the night is long…Can you help me find a way to carry on again?”

Along with choosing a new song of the week, I also attended the Bruce-Mahoney game at Kezar Stadium in San Francisco. It was between Saint Ignatius College Preparatory and Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory, SH being my alma mater. It was a blow-out game, 24-10, Saint Ignatius. I wasn’t even really paying attention that much to the game anyway, I was much much busier meeting up with people and just talking. After the game, the people in my car and I had to walk all the way to USF, which is a pretty long walk. We then met up with a couple of more friends and ate at a Chinese restaurant on Irving Street. Their chow fun was pretty decent. It’s a shame I forgot the name of the restaurant. But yeah, it was a good night for me. Chill with old friends, meet up new friends, and make new friends, what else can get better? ‘Til next time and stay sexy.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hundreds Part 2

This band is one of my favorites and sorry to all of you hip hop fans, but rock is my genre. I'm not much of a hippidy hop guy and I definitely can't dance to it. But that is going to change soon haha sike. Well my friend and I are supposed to pick it up but have you ever heard of the saying "two left feet?" well its more like one foot and a wooden peg.. Anyways the first two lines of the song are catchy although kinda cheesy but its good stuff.

I just wanted to reiterate on Angelo's post because I don't think he the whole anger scene out. So I got there at 8:50am and lined up by myself. Everyone else got in line at like 9:15 or so and were about twenty people behind me. So we kinda had two groups in the line which was a good thing. I traded spots with my main man Norb and Angelo kept him company. So they were able to get in and when the rest of us were like ten people away from the "warehouse" (bar) they kicked us out cause we weren't 21. So we stood in line for 5 hours in the rain while I was sick just to get yelled at by the Samoan bouncer. But we did stop by this garage selling Free Gold Watch clothes which was pretty cool. Hopefully the clothes were brand new.. well it looked legit cause there were boxes of clothes in the box and whatnot. I got 2 tshirts and which was my consolation prize. Oh and Norb got a Tens tshirt "on accident". haha I'll leave it at that.

The Hundreds Sale 11/08/2008

Angelo here. 11/08/2008 = waste of a day. :(

The Hundreds had a sale up to 80% off. Too sweet to pass up. So the guys went to the Milk Bar on Haight Street at 9:00 a.m. The sale started at 10:00, but only two of the guys were able to get in at 2:00 p.m. But then the owner of the bar, rightfully so, kicked all people under 18 in the bar, afraid he would lose his liquor license. They had plenty of good stuff to cop, but I only got a handful before I was told to leave. We then divided all the shit we bought among the guys. And I realized I bought a couple of crappy shirts. But it was only $10, so I guess it was all right. But what made it worse is that we heard that if we just stayed, the guys at TH could've hooked us up. =( In the end, we just spent the day in beautiful San Francisco and ate at In-N-Out. haha.
'Til next time!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Song of the Week: "Lucky" by Unique

Hiiii. Titus present.

First time I posted on our new blog! Thanks to everyone who contributed so far. I got the phenomenal privilege of picking the new song of the week. This week, it's "Lucky" by Unique. I first heard this song a year ago off of someone's Myspace... I forget who. Anyway though, I always thought it was a cute song (yeah I said it). You know how you always hear songs talking about certain things, well usually they just stay like that, right? After I met this certain somebody, the meaning of the song just changed for me. Actually, the way I met this person was pretty random; I was waiting for some friends to meet up at downtown and I accidentally ran into my friend. It just so happened that she was hanging out with this certain somebody, and well... I don't want to get too cheesy. Anyway, I never brought up the song until I made a video (yeah, I express myself through videos) with the song playing at the end. This song constantly reminds me of that certain somebody TO THIS DAY. Even though things aren't as cool as I'd like with her, this song always leaves a smile on my face. I know she can't possibly forget about it either. Hopefully I can get "lucky" again and fix things... Well, a guy can dream right?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween madness.

Hi guys! Angelo here.

I always forget how weird the atmosphere is on Halloween day. Little kids running around like maniacs full of sugar, the scary houses, and the whole Halloween atmosphere. Well, anyways, I went to pick up Lawrence, Matt, and Nigel at the CalTrain station. We went to Old Navy and looked at the flannels. Old Navy had some pretty awesome deals, so I bought a pair of long sleeve shirts later that day. We then ate at TK Noodle. I love that place so much. Ordered the number 22...holla. We then went to Serramonte mall, which was PACKED! Packed with little kids and costumes and Filipino families (what's new?). We just stopped by Heritage in the Forever 21 store, but nothing caught our interest, so we just went back to Old Navy to buy those shirts and go to Marc's house. We just chilled and played Super Smash Bros. Melee. We then picked up Christine and went to L&L, which is still awesome. I got the BBQ Beef. It was some good stuff. But the highlight of my night was the movie probably.

We watched Sex Drive with actors like Josh Zuckerman and Seth Green. The one thing that got me was the ending. During the middle and stuff, I was kind of bored, but I was still engaged in the story. The ending made everything worth it somehow. Plus, the movie had a lot of cute moments. But one thing I especially liked about the movie was the fact that it was somewhat unpredictable. It didn't use the typical, cheesy dialogue as some movies. And that made me go, "Ooooooh. daaamn," a lot of times while I was watching. Two big thumbs up!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Take a Bow Cover

We were filming some scenes for our skit when we got bored...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A day in the city.

Hi guys! We've been working on the script for our new project for awhile now. We've hit a lot of bumps, but we're getting there. Just waiting on a couple of people and we'll be rearing to go!!! So stay tuned. ;)

Anyways, I had a lab today at USF. It was intense stuff, as always. The morning was so gloomy here in San Francisco, but it turned out nicer later on. The morning weather just killed me though; I didn't feel like doing anything. But I brought my camera to school, so I took a couple of pictures. And then later on in the day, I visited my mom to pick up dondies (or doughnuts! bwhaha) and went to Wells Fargo to open up a savings and checking account. That's when it hit me, I'm rolling deep in the Benjamins. Ok, that's not true, but it was like a wake-up call for me, 'cause I mean, I have checks now? I could actually write checks? WITH MY NAME ON IT?! wtf?! The Hundreds also didn't have the shirt I wanted in my size too. Bummer. But I still got days and days to buy clothes, so it's whatevs.

The number 5, my second home.

USF in one of its good days.

The Hundreds.

Seriously, one of the best places to get music.

This little devil was waiting for me at home. :)


Hey yo whats happening my fellow bloggers. This is Matt and I just wanted to make at least one post on this lovely blog. Yes Angelo is right we are gonna have a movie up soon so just sit tight. This weekend is gonna be super chill so I guess we'll be working on that. If you haven't noticed the banner up there it was done by me so please no hate mail. I am still a noob at photoshop so don't hate appreciate. Nice pictures there btw Angelo.. oh and nice song too. I call next week's song jaja. Yup well thats all I wanted to say, other than that I gotta get back to writing my essay. take it easy

Monday, October 27, 2008

Song of the Week: "Blind Love" by Emanon

Hi guys, Angelo here.

So, to start off, we at Juicebox Productions are going to do this little thing called "Song of the Week", where any member of JB Productions is gonna choose one song and then talk about it. Song of the Week sounds too much to say for me though, so I'm going to probably shorten it to SotW. byah.

Anyways, I chose "Blind Love" by Emanon. I believe this song was released in 2002, fairly old, but one of my all time favorite songs. I remember first listening to this song back in 2007 when this girl was always on my mind. I didn't even know why I liked her so much, haha, totally captivated me. I remember MySpace was still the in-thing, so I put that as my profile music and stuff. Yup, big ballin'. But this song spoke to me. I think this song talked about a story how a guy was trying to deal with this major crush. And I remember all I wanted to do was just get this girl off my mind, 'cause she was making me go through some weird feelings. A lot like a love/hate relationship almost. I also went through so many scenarios in my head on how to ask her out, haha. It was cool though. My friends even tried to talk me out of it, but I just couldn't do it. It ended all right in the end, but as the songs goes on to say. "Love makes me blind, it makes me blind."

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Thanks Tori for making all these banners for me to use!


Finally, we have decided to name ourselves Juicebox Productions. We have been brainstorming for a name to call ourselves for the past week or so. It all started on a weeknight last week. A couple of us could not sleep and decided to stay up and brainstorm a list of possible names while playing music loudly. We came up with ten or so names and picked from that batch. Some of the names we came up with: Upbeat, Flow, Sunny Day, and...I forgot the rest. They weren't very good or I would still remember. The name Juicebox was suggested by Titus. He liked his childhood very much and said a juice box brought back very nostalgic memories. (Sometimes when we're bored, we still watch Power Rangers on youtube) Anyways, I find it interesting that Juicebox Productions was actually the first suggestion of our brainstorming session. After a week of contemplating what name would fit us, we went with our first idea. Well, we have a few skits planned for the upcoming months. Stay tuned.

P.S. Thanks to all the friends who critiqued our ideas. (Yes, even you Tiff...even though you just made fun of us =])